R.I.Shoju-kempo ryu Sentou ryu Karate-do Hombu Dojo

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Pricing and Schedules for 2010

Traditional Karate-do & Mixed Martial Arts Speical for Men, Women and Children.
Traditional Martial Arts.  Uniform not encluded. Monthly fees $40 for Children ages 3 to 14 and $60 for Traditional & Mixed Martial Arts for Teens and Adults ages 15 to 80.                                                                                                         Sensei Jim Baptista Sempai
( 401 ) 580-4450
Professor Larry S.L. Martin Hanshi
( 401 ) 464-0344 

Classes for children ages 3 to 14: $40 a month .
Children's classes:
Mon: 6:00pm to 7:30pm  Children 14 and under
Wed: 6:00pm to 7:30pm  Children 14 and under
Fri:    6:00pm to 7:30pm  Children 14 and under
Sat: 10am to 12noon open class for all ranks & ages
Classes for Adults & Teens ages 15 & up: $60 a Month
Mon:  7:30pm to 9:00pm Teens & Adults 15 and up
Wed: 7:30pm to 9:00pm Teens & Adults 15 and up
Fri:    7:30 to 9:00pm  Teens & Adults 15 and up
Sat: 10am to 12noon all ages and ranks
Teaching Traditional Shotokan Karate-do and Mixed Martial Arts. ( UFC style )   Itosu Kai Kempo / Okinawan Hawaiian Kempo, Aikijujitsu / Kobudo Ryu.