R.I.Shoju-kempo ryu Sentou ryu Karate-do Hombu Dojo

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On Nov. 14th 2009 R.I.Shotokan Karate-do Hombu Dojo will be hosting a Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Seminar, this is the system that Great Grandmaster George Pasere learned from the founder Sijo Victor " Sonny " Gascon who is the founder of the system. Shihan Jim Speights will be conducting this Seminar.
Place: R.I.Shotokan Karate-do Hombu Dojo
          Atlantic Mills Complex
          120   Manton  Ave. 4th fl.
          Providence, Rhode Island 02909
Time: 11am til 1pm
Cost: $20 members, $30 non - members
if your a Kenpo / Kempo student, Instructor, Martial Artist then this Seminar would be a great learning expeirence!
for more info. please Professor Martin @ 401-464 - 0344