R.I.Shoju-kempo ryu Sentou ryu Karate-do Hombu Dojo

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Children's programs

Ages 3½ - 9 yrs. - Pre-K -Through Grade 4
3 class per week
Class focuses on teaching SOCIAL skills through basic martial arts techniques. During a 50-minute class, children gain motor-skill development and a sense of confidence within our playful and positive class format.

House Brand Ninja Patch  LITTLE NINJAS
The Junior Black Belt Program
Ages 3 1/2  -  9 yrs. - 2nd Grade and Up
2 classes per week (or 2 for 1 class)
Students learn leadership skills and martial arts technique as tools for physical and mental discipline. Students graduate through various belt ranks, in order to earn their junior black belts. Halfway through the Dragons Program, students are invited into the Black Belt Club for advanced training. Formal Belt Tests.

By Invitation Only
2 classes per week
Halfway through the Dragons program, students are invited into the Black Belt Club. Attendance requirement is 1 regular class, and one BBC class per week. Quarterly workshops and sparring classes are included in tuition. Belt Club members earn special HERO patches by participating in charitable acts within the community.

Black Belts Only
Ages 11-17 yrs.
With unlimited classes and workshops, students continue training under the supervision of the Chief Instructor to earn a 2nd or 3rd degree black belt.